DES)RACIALHIST participates in the 1st Research Projects Fair at the Facultad de Geografía e Historia of the University of Seville (US). 26/11/2024

DES)RACIALHIST participates in the 1st Research Projects Fair at the Facultad de Geografía e Historia of the University of Seville (US). 26/11/2024

On November 26th, the Facultad de Geografía e Histora organized the 1st Research Projects Fair -from 12-2 pm and 4-6 pm- at its exhibition corridor (first floor, next to Aula XVI). Several research projects, linked to the different areas of study developed in the Facultad, participated in the event.

Our Principal Investigator (PI), Carolina García Sanz, together with Marta Egea Bohórquez and Pablo Herrero Bei -two predoctoral students (Univerity of Seville) from the working team of (DES)RACIALHIST-, oversaw the presentation of several activities organized within the project. On one hand, María Sierra and Berta Naranjo Sierra, member of the working team of the project, prepared five micro-stories about different topics studied, such as the concept of “banal racism”.  Furthermore, a film forum section organized the presentation of the documentary film “My Holocaust. Philomena Franz”. The protagonist, Phimena Franz –born in Germany in 1922 into a Sinti family–, tells her story, from her childhood until she escaped from the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps. The participants could reflect and debate on the importance that memory and self-biography hold for the reconstruction of the History of racialized groups, as well as how racist practices leave a mark on their vital experiences.

Lastly, we prepared a PowerPoint presentation briefly explaining the topic of racialized forms of violence and human rights, accompanied by a scene from the film Attack on a China Mission (1990), where its director, James Williamson (1855-1933), tried to socially convey -through entertainment- the existence of forms of violence that were “civilized”, hence legitimated against the “barbarity” of non-European peoples.



(DES)RACIALHIST "Procesos históricos de racialización en la España del siglo XX: identidad, biopolítica, conflicto y memoria" PID2022-140462NB-I00 financiado por:

micin aei

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